Lift4Life successfully sponsored 3 lifters from Zimbabwe to attend Commonwealths Powerlifting Championships that took place in Potchefstroom, South Africa, from September 10 – 17th, 2017. 

From the generosity of lifters around the world, Lift4Life raised $3,000 USD to turn this dream into a reality.

Our lifters came from the Glen Norah community in Harare, training in a humble gym with rocky floors and no lights. But their passion for powerlifting and potential is inspiring. Read more about their stories below:

Seremani "NDOO" BAKARI

Competing in the 105kg Male Open class, Ndoo isn't new to making a difference in the community and sharing his love for lifting, and most recently hosted a powerlifting meet for the Glen Norah community. 


This motivated 72kg Female Open lifter is a role model for many women in the Glen Norah community, and is seeking to inspire other girls to get into the sport of powerlifting and leads powerlifting lessons for youth in the community. 


Knox is a 105 Male Open lifter, and works as a security guard in Harare. Under his big muscles and big tattoos he has an even bigger heart, and he believes powerlifting is a powerful tool to change his community. 

Interested in learning more about our athlete sponsorship? Contact us here